samedi 9 mars 2013

Different Ministries (la version française vient en bas de celle-ci)

Different Ministries

John’s main ministry is helping with the ETBIL program (church-based theological education) in Central America and in Honduras.  This involves encouragement, stimulating, some help in the teaching, or rather facilitating, of courses, and translation of material.
However, there are other ministries in which both John and Lise get involved.

Evangelistic Campaign in Guatemala

From March 14th to March 24th, Tony Anthony and his team will be busy morning, afternoon, and most evenings, in schools, churches, prisons and parks, in a 12-day evangelistic campaign, in which on of our churches in Quebec is involved. John will be the interpreter for this campaign. We would very much appreciate your prayers for health for all involved during this time, and that the Holy Spirit will convict hearts. John would particularly appreciate your prayers that he will remain alert all during that time, so that he will be able to translate effectively.

Medical Brigades

Iglesia Bautista Hermon, the church where we attend, has a medical clinic that serves patients at very low cost, and occasionally free of charge when necessary. Every three months the doctor and nurse, along with a group from our church, spend a Saturday in some remote mountain village that has little access to medical help. They bring clothing, free medicines, and free medical advice. There are always a large number of people who come out for medical help. Lise is an important part of that team, serving as an “assistant pharmacist” (the nurse serves as “chief pharmacist”). Lise has been impressed by the tremendous poverty on the one hand, and the doctor’s compassion on the other.


As mentioned in a former post, this year Lise is in charge of the “cubbies” group in our church AWANA every Saturday afternoon. She has two trainees with her, which frees her up for other ministry such as the medical brigade when necessary. Three of the children in her group come from the children’s Home where our daughter, Melodie works.

Sunday School

Lise also co-teaches a Sunday School class in the church, and she and Sandra have one trainee with them.  Training others to take up the baton is an important part of the ministry of the church.


John does occasional supply preaching. He is the speaker on the last Friday of the month for the church men’s group (changing with someone else when he has to travel), preaches occasionally on Sundays when needed, and has been asked to preach in another church, once for a baptism and another time to encourage that church to get on board with the First Principles program. John has been very happy to see three of his Homiletics students preach in the context of the men's group.

First Principles

It has been exciting to see pastor Hector start a group in the church to follow the First Principles program here. There are twelve disciples following it, and have started with a bang, everyone doing their preparation very well.


Yes, for better or worse, we have adopted a cute little Siberian Husky. He is now all of three months old, and is growing rapidly. We thought for a while that we were going to lose him to an intestinal problem, but it has all worked out. His name, Muki, means “sweet and gentle” in Slovenian. But he can get into mischief!

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