October and November Activities
These last
two months we have been busy in Siguatepeque, Honduras, and in Chimaltenango,
Guatemala. This period has also been marked by a much contested election, for
the national government as well as municipal governments.
With the Children’s Home
For a
little more than two months now, we have had Roberto in our home. He is 17, and
the Vida y Libertad team are looking for another option for him. We have had some good conversations with
Roberto about his spiritual state, as we have a family worship with him. At
each Bible reading we each share what we found that touches our lives, and we
each choose a verse to memorize before the next family worship. Roberto has
been getting into the spirit of it.
Lise has
been to the Home a few times to have Bible studies with the personnel. Saturday
morning, November 30th, she accompanied ten children from the Home to
a day camp, and ended up staying for the day as she was needed to help with the
program. (Central Americans are great at relationships, but organization is often
not the strong point).
With the church
continues to teach a Sunday School class, along with another lady (they take
turns), and participates in the AWANA program teaching the “ositos” (bear
cubs). Both John and Lise participate with the Men’s and Women’s groups on
Friday nights. John occasionally preaches in the men’s group, and Lise was to
preach in the women’s group Friday night, but that evening was turned into a
wake as a lady in the church died that day.
Thelma was
operated for a cancer last January, and was given about three months to live.
She fought her battle against cancer all year, at one point there seemed to be
hope, but then had to go through a second series of chemotherapy. She left us
to be with the Lord Friday morning November 29th. A wake was held
that night, and the church was packed – standing room only. The pastor, Hector,
preached an excellent, compassionate sermon, in which he presented the gospel
clearly. Saturday morning, November 30th, was the funeral service
and burial. Once again, many friends and relatives were exposed to the gospel
both in the funeral service and in the graveyard. Pray for her husband, Francisco, who has
handled it well, but who will certainly have a difficult time of it. They have
two children, Daniel and Yvette, who are in their early teens. This must be a
terrible ordeal for them to lose their mother at that age.
First Principles in Siguatepeque
We are
continuing with the First Principles courses in the Hermon Baptist church,
having completed the first series of courses. A graduation is planned for
December 22nd. It is really encouraging to see the enthusiasm of the
students. Fabricio is really excited about this, applying the material to his
life, and looking forward to leading others through the course. Pastor Hector
has decided to use this series as the official discipleship program, planning
to take older believers as well as all new believers through it. So this first
group will be the spearhead, with some of them leading others through the
The “Mission Point” at Brisas del Bosque
Our church
has a mission point in an area called Brisas del Bosque. The brother who is
leading it is an evangelist, but has no pastoral or teaching ability. In fact,
he only has a third grade education. This work has been going on for several
years, but really has not progressed. A couple of members of the mother church,
along with our pastor Hector, are studying ways of establishing that work
Homiletics at Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Pacto
The pastor of Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Pacto, Francisco García, had talked to me last year about the possibility of teaching a Homiletics course (the art of preaching) to a group in his church. This has finally materialized, and two weeks ago I began with a group of ten students. They are quite varied in their ability and level of education, so this will be a bit of a challenge. My idea is to train those who are most prepared, without discouraging the others.
BILD courses for regional pastors.
Six pastors
continue to follow BILD courses ever Saturday morning, with Pastor Hector facilitating.
They have gone through the Acts curse, Pauline Epistles, Doctrine, and
Leadership. We will be taking a pause in December and begin again in January.
They are diligent in working on their projects, and in spite of a lack of
education for some, I have found that they produce good work, showing
understanding of what they are studying.
Graduation in Chimaltenango, Guatemala
Peaceful elections
There had been some promises of violence on the part of one of the parties, if they did not win the election, but that has not happened, happily. An answer to prayer! The National party (Conservative) won the presidency, The leader of the LIBRE party (a radical breakoff from the Liberal party) has claimed victory, and seemingly tried to provoke her followers into action, but that has not materialized. The Liberal party (fairly conservative but not as much as the Nationalists) was considerable weakened, and is now a third party, and the PAC (Anticorruption Party), a brand new party, came in fourth place with a respectable showing. (They were mostly untried politicians, which appealed to some). So there is no absolute majority for any party in Congress, which, at this point, seems to be a healthy development. Evangelical Christians here, as in Canada, voted for different parties, which caused no hostility among them that I could discern. So in all, it was a peaceful election. even though not everyone is happy with the results.
A new Spanish blog with sermons and meditations
In November I began a new blog in Spanish, publishing sermons and meditations of mine, usually in point form so that preachers here can adapt and use them when needed. If any of you readers are Spanish speaking, and are interested, it can be found at http://sermonesymeditaciones.blogspot.com/ .Prayer Requests:
- Thelma’s husband, Francisco, and their two children, Daniel and Yvette, as they deal with Thelma’s death.
- Roberto, as his rather uncertain future is worked out.
- First Principles students in Honduras and Guatemala, that the graduates will soon be leading more groups through these excellent discipleship courses.
- Establishment of the mission point at Brisas del Bosque.
- Continued peace (politically) in the country, and wisdom for the new government in dealing with the nation’s many problems.
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