mardi 15 avril 2014

Greetings from … Drummondville! (La version en français suit celle-ci)

Greetings from … Drummondville!

It’s hard to believe we’ve been in Quebec for a month already! We’ve been in three English language churches in Ontario (including one mission conference) to present our work, and one French language church in Quebec, as well as attending the Quebec “Pastorale” retreat in Ste Adèle. The latter was a real treat. As well as the fellowship with Quebec pastors we were well “fed” with sermons by three Quebec pastors on “Is there a Shepherd in the Church?”
While here I continue my daily blog “Sermones y Meditaciones” with sermon outlines that I provide for Honduran preachers.

We are presently living in Drummondville, in what is called “The Centre of Quebec”. Our daughter Annie found us an apartment here which suits us perfectly. We are using a car that Annie lent us for local travelling, and renting a car when we need to go longer distances.
It has been great to see each one of our children, and our nearly three-year-old granddaughter!
Melodie will be coming to Canada for a few months in mid-July.

Deputation and Support

We already have a nearly full schedule for visiting churches, and realize we will not be able to visit all of our supporting  churches while here this time around. (We do have about five weekends still available between now and September).
Our present support level is $300 under our estimated monthly need.

More Honduran Plans

When we return to Honduras in September, we will be working more closely with Josué Claros, the coordinator for theological education in that country. This will involve visiting churches and pastors to encourage them in the “ETBIL” courses (both discipleship and leadership courses produced by BILD International and translated into Spanish). We will spend time establishing clearer criteria for the students’ projects in different courses. At the same time we will work for at least six months with a local church in order to help train the pastor and a leadership team there. Once they have their own training system under way our idea is to move on to another church that might need the same  kind of help.  The idea is to make sure the pastor himself is in charge of the training.
At the same time I will remain available for “ETBIL Centroamerica” (which is under LeadersFor) to help in any way I can. (In the past I have travelled with the Honduran team to different points in Guatemala and El Salvador and one place in Honduras where we are working with two ethnic groups).

Prayer requests:

1.       In Canada:
a.       Road safety as we travel to different churches
b.      Wise use of our time
2.       Back in Honduras:
a.       Finding a suitable apartment on our return
b.      General safety (Honduras is the country with the largest number of murders per capita in the world)
c.       Health
d.      Perseverance among the students (pastors and otherwise) and facilitators of courses
e.      Unity among workers
f.        Hondurans willing to pastor churches in remote areas
g.       Cultural sensitivity on our part.
3.       General:

a.       Finding the needs added $300 monthly support.

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